AVERT (Active Violence Emergency Response Training) is a crucial course that equips immediate responders with the skills to handle active violence situations. While it's difficult to imagine such an event occurring in a place like your church, school, or childcare center, being prepared can make all the difference.

AVERT goes beyond the traditional 'run, hide, fight' approach. It emphasizes situational awareness and a proactive mindset, empowering you to take action and potentially save lives.

Contact Us Today.

Includes - Quality weather-proof bag, Pressure and Packing Dressings, NAR Generation 7 CAT Tourniquet, Nitrile Gloves, Scissors, Emergency Blanket and CPR Barrier Mask 

The wall-mounted unit includes 6 TacPac kits and ideally should be placed next to each AED you have installed at your office, place of worship, school or any public access location where needed. The station is a durable, clear polycarbonate cabinet that can be mounted in a populated area for quick and easy access equipped with an alarm to alert those in the area. 


Get FREE SHIPPING on your TACPAC when you use code 5223756.